ITM Enterprise

Intermediary Consultants

A leading business sales, merger, and acquisition firm

Planting Seeds of Success, Cultivating Business Brilliance To Assist Entrepreneurs In Flourishing Their Business Ventures.

ITM Enterprise

Intermediary Consultants

A leading business sales, merger, and acquisition firm

Planting Seeds of Success, Cultivating Business Brilliance To Assist Entrepreneurs In Flourishing Their Business Ventures.

our services - ITM Enterprise

Our Services

At ITM Enterprise, we offer comprehensive services designed to help businesses achieve their goals. As a trusted intermediary and business brokerage firm, we work closely with buyers and sellers to understand their unique needs and objectives. Our services include:

  • Funding Solutions: We connect businesses with innovative funding options to fuel growth and expansion.
  • Business Brokerage: We facilitate successful transactions, promoting the strengths of our clients’ businesses and addressing any challenges that may impact value.
  • Intermediary Services: We bridge the gap between buyers and sellers, ensuring seamless communication and successful deal-making.
  • Consultative Guidance: We provide expert advice to maximize business value, whether preparing for sale or acquisition.

The Numbers That Count

20+ Years of Experience
30+ Industries represented
500+ Transactions Facilitated
$600M Revenue Generated for clients

Our Proven Methodology:

  • 1. Source:

    We procure high-quality business opportunities from motivated sellers.

  • 2. Showcase:

    We discreetly market listings to attract a wide range of qualified buyers.

  • 3. Search:

    Our experts search our database and external sources to find the perfect match for buyers.

  • 4. Connect:

    We bring together compatible buyers and sellers to facilitate a successful transaction.

  • 5. Collaborate:

    We coordinate due diligence, answer questions, and ensure a smooth exchange of information.

  • 6. Optimize:

    Our experts assist both parties in negotiating a mutually beneficial agreement.

  • 7. Complete:

    We ensure a seamless transfer of assets and funds, guaranteeing a successful sale and acquisition.

ninbb 7 step sales process - ITM Enterprise

Get Started Today

Share your business details here and we will start the process of creating a discrete listing for your company

Exit Strategy planning


Why should I work with a professional business Intermediary consultant?

There are many reasons why business owners chose to work with experienced professional business Intermediary consulting firm like NIN. Here are just a few of them You want to sell your business quickly, we already have a pool of qualified buyers actively looking for the right business to invest in. You want to sell your business for the highest possible net gain. We have over 20 years of experience in advising our clients on how to position their business for maximum marketability. You want to sell your business discreetly, we handle all the marketing, advertising and screening buyers for you by listing your business in a manner that it remains unknown to employees, vendors and customers. Only our qualified buyer will know your business is for sale.

What does your service cost?

You pay nothing up front. We work on a contingency basis. We only get paid after we have successfully sold your business. Our percentage rate depends on the price of your business.

What is my business worth?

That is one of the most important questions and something that we are very skilled at answering for our clients. We do a free valuation of the business looking at internal factors like your financial documents, inventory and intellectual properties, but we also look at external data like the market and competition to give you a suggested fair asking price.

How long does the process take?

Every transaction is different. There are many factors involved, some depend on the seller, some depend on the buyer. Is the business priced right to attract a serious buyer or do we have to make adjustments for the market? Once we have secured a qualified buyer how long will it take them to do their due diligence? Does the seller have all their financials in order, or do we have to wait on CPA’s to provide documentation? Is the buyer liquid or do we have to wait on bank financing? The more complex the transaction the longer it usually takes. Most smaller deals can close between 45 and 90 days however we have seen some of our larger acquisitions take years to complete. We assist both sides and do everything within our power to expedite the process as much as possible.

What do I need to do to get the process started?

Contact Us and give us some basic information about your business then one of our agents will reach out to you to give you more details.